coffee free

3rd day w.out coffee. i am not off caffeine so i drink tea in the morning instead of coffee and can still drink coke. i actually went into a starbucks yestterday w. a friend who ordered a coffee.

i am using this time away from coffee to realize that there are a lot of things i can live without in my life. life is more then just the physical and material that i see around me. there is a whole inner universe that we tend to overlook in our outer world of ipods, SUV's and cable television.

i have a soul. you have a soul. take time to nurture your soul through silence and solitude. it is in silence and solitude that the voice of god can be most clearly heard. no matter how busy my day looks i do not skip my morning prayer and bible reading - w.out i can't face the day. i need to replug, recharge or else i will mis-fire. a day w.out prayer is a day that i am the most vulnerable to the temptations that surround me.

soul change is the only way we can live the life we are called to live as christians. behaviour modification and discipline can only take us so far.


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