Twitter Explosion

My new celebrity twitter friend.

I had another 60 people start following me on twitter just today. When I looked at who they were - they almost all had some sort of on-line business they were promoting.  So I am not following them - I don't care if they follow me, don't know what they will get out of mundane posts of my life.

One interesting celebrity twitter encounter. Mike Scott is the lead singer of the waterboys, one of my favorite bands - they are a sort of celtic rock band. I bought their album "Fisherman's Blues" - 21 years ago (on cassette!) when I was a student in Bible College. They've always had very interesting lyrics, with some pseudo- Christian imagery thrown in there.

Anyways, I follow Mike Scott on Twitter - the lead singer of the band. He had a recent post that said his wife had never heard U2 - frankly I find that near impossible to believe - they live in Ireland and The Edge said that the waterboys was one of the 3 best concerts he had ever been to. So, I'm pretty sure he was kidding.

So, I sent him a message, telling him I didn't believe him and he actually replied to me directly! He said, its true, his wife rarely listens to any music, and had never heard U2's music, even though they are friend with Bono and Ali!!!! Weird, huh? I'm still pretty shocked that this guy wrote me.

Mike - The only Anne Rice I have read are her Jesus books - I'm not into vampires. Her Jesus books are really fantastic.


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