The Blogger vs. The Beauty Queen

Part of the national conversation right now is a feud between Perez Hilton and Miss USA runner-up Carrie Prejean.

The low-down is this - Perez asked Prejean a question as part of the competition. His question was:

Vermont recently became the 4th state to legalize same-sex marriage. Do you think every state should follow suit. Why or why not?

Part of Prejean's answer:

I think it’s great that Americans are able to choose one or the other. We live in a land where you can choose same-sex marriage. I believe that a marriage should be between a man and a woman. No offense to anybody out there, but that’s how I was raised and that’s how I think it should be between a man and a woman. Thank you very much.”

Now, notice - the question was do YOU think every state should follow suit. Hilton was soliciting her OWN PERSONAL OPINION, not what should be actual legislation. So Prejean  answered the question directly - she does not believe every state should legalize same-sex marriage. 

Hilton went on his blog that night and posted a video response which included the following:

the worst answer in pageant history“. ”She lost not because she doesn’t believe in gay marriage, she lost because she’s a dumb b****!” The answer he suggested was “Perez, that’s a great question and that’s a very hot topic in our country right now. I think it’s a question that each state should answer for themselves because that’s our forefathers designed our government. The states rule themselves and then there are certain laws that are federal. If she had even half a brain, she would have said this."

Hilton later apologized, but then retracted apology and said he actually meant to call her a dumb c**t. 

So, do you see what has happened here? Hilton asks a direct question, Prejean answers. Hilton doesn't like her answer and verbally explodes. Apparently, voicing any opinion that does not tow the contemporary liberal platform is viewed as intolerant.

The fallout is Prejean didn't win, but was first runner-up. She went on to do a few talk shows and continued to defend her answer and said she had no regrets. When told that Hilton called her a dumb c**t. She winced and then said she would pray for him. She has received overwhelming support, with the typical liberal detractors.

It is obvious to me that Prejean comes from a home where the Christian worldview was taught and instilled - so much so, that when put to the test, she refused to compromise her beliefs, no matter how unpopular they are.

The other thing I noticed was the difference in the reactions between Hilton and Prejean. Hilton reacted with ugly bile, Prejean reacted with grace and composure - and remember - she's the one who LOST.

I didn't post this blog in order to wade into the gay marriage debate, but simply to show that actual "dialogue" is dead in the media - its either the social liberal platform, or nothing.


Matt Ralph said…
It sounded to me like she was saying everyone has a right to choose but that she personally believes "marriage" should be between a man and a woman.

While I know many and maybe even a majority of people in the U.S. don't share that belief, I'm having a hard time understanding why an answer like that is so "controversial."

She wasn't saying she hates gays, that the guy asking the question was going to hell or even that same-sex couples should not be granted any rights.

She was simply doing what I imagine most pageant contestants wouldn't do - saying what she honestly believed and not what she thought the judges wanted to hear.
KimG said…
Great post Santosh! I love how you pointed out that that actual "dialogue" is dead in the's so sad. Reminds me of trying to talk to my brother who is JW - they're right, we're wrong, end of discussion.
morning gruel said…
While I agree that there was no need for Hilton to be rude, there is an error in your logic Santosh. You assume that Perez Hilton is a representative of 'the contemporary liberal platform'. That's like saying Tammy-Faye Baker is a shining example of the Christian Right. The only thing Hilton represents is himself -- and maybe trashy pop-culture.

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