
Adam in Hawaii.

Well, it was finally a warm day in Vancouver. No more hoodies (bunny-hugs) or jackets! Finally, and it's only June 25.

I had a meeting in Burnaby, and then did some paper work at home. I went to the green space in the back of our building and played soccer with Adam and Sophia. Adam is actually pretty good. Sophia is good at picking up the ball and placing foreign objects in her mouth.

There is a severely handicapped little boy in our building. He is in a wheelchair and cannot move any part of his body. He cannot talk, but communicates by smiling and grunting. He has a little sister who is quite cute. They were both outside in the backyard with their caregiver - the parents hired someone who helps them out.

The little girl was blowing bubbles as her brother looked on and grunted his amusement from time to time. When we went back upstairs I talked to Adam about the boy's condition. I told him that it is very important that we show love and acceptance for people who are different then us and that God especially loves people like that young boy. I also told him that we should never ever make fun or laugh at people like our young friend.

Adam thought a bit and then said, "But if he makes a knock-knock joke we can laugh". I concurred - if our friend makes a knock knock joke, then we indeed can laugh.


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