Glittering Images

I am re-reading a book I had to read in Seminary. It's called Glittering Images by Susan Howatch. It's a novel about a Church of England clergyman in the 1940's.

Charles Ashworth is a bright likable minister - he's 37, like me. He is on the fast track to the top, gaining coveted positions. And then... he has a breakdown - he gets drunk and commits a moral indescretion, which uncovers a pattern of moral deceit.

He enters into a therapy with an abbot, who acts as his spiritual director. They begin a journey together to uncover why Charles is the way he is. Charles discovers he is 2 people - the real person has been camouflaged by a "Glittering Image", which he presents to the world.

This is a profound book that every Christian leader should read. Women and men who enter the ministry are not cut from different cloth. The disease of the fall continues to infect all of us. We all need help to deal with the false image that we like to project to the world. And figure out our compulsion for projecting that Glittering Image on to others.

This is not a well known book, but it should be. I recommend it.

Unfortunately, it has the worst cover of any book I own - it looks like a Harlequin Romance - a bunch of flowers and waterfalls - really bad art.


ajt said…
Love it! Just re-read it and am on to Glamorous Powers which is Jon Darrow's story. Howatch is masterful. And I love the interplay between psychology/logical explanation and the strong belief in a God who speaks and to whom we must learn to listen...

Meanwhile, welcome back from Hawaii, my friend. And all the best on all the changes. Have been thinking of you guys as you've been making decisions and discerning your own call...Exciting times!

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