
I preached my last sermon at Urban Sanctuary last night. We ended a series on 1 Peter together. I preached from 1 Peter 5:8-14, which deals with being attacked by Satan, how to resist him and what God does for us during the battle.

One of the last verses states "I have written to you briefly, encouraging you and testifying that this is the true grace of God. Stand fast in it."

And, that's how I ended - I ministered among you briefly (3 yrs). I tried to encourage you. I testified that the gospel of Jesus is the true grace of God. Continue to stand fast in it.

The church gave us a couple of gifts, which was nice. This week I wrap up loose ends for Urban Sanctuary, and start to prep. for starting with Heritage Mountain, which starts on July 1.

Saw the latest Indiana Jones today - it was pretty good. Still had that weird supernatural element which is in the other films - although I never saw Temple of Doom, due to the terrible reviews.


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