Mr. Mom

Apologies to Andrea and Jeff (and any other curious voyeurs out there) - the tooth is fixed. There is no record of my disfigurement.

Felicia went back to work today, which meant I was entrusted with the care of the kiddies. Things went quite swimmingly, except for Adam's constant moans of "I miss Momma", which would lead to demands to phone Momma. I think we called Felicia a total of 8 times.

Meals, naps, diapers, milk and bath time went without a hitch. I actually managed to get 4 hours of work in as well!

The only mis-step was when I took Adam for his hair-cut. We take Adam to a salon around the corner run by an Iranian woman - Every time I've been there, there has only been Iranians speaking loudly in Farsi to on another. So the lady gave Adam his haircut. And then after, she walked towards Sophia with the scissors. She said she just wanted to cut a little bit. I thought, maybe the bangs on the front because they were pretty long. Instead, she cut all around her head!

Felicia came home and was soooo upset!!! She wanted Sophia to have her nice long beautiful hair for her 1st birthday and Easter! I felt pretty bad - I still think she's cute.


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