Getting Practical

Sophia Grace Leela Ninan

So, I'm starting to love this book "The Shape of Practical Theology" by Ray Anderson. Basically Anderson liberates theology from its confines of systematic thought. Theology needs to have a practical outlet.

Anderson teaches at Fuller. And so do at least 2 other profs that I like: Eddie Gibbs and Robert Johnston. And Fuller also has a DMIN with a missional leader track. And all this makes me wonder when I'm going to go to Fuller for my DMIN. Fuller is where a lot of Regent MDIV's end up.

But I'm torn on obtaining a doctorate. My dad has one and so does my brother, which leaves me as the non-doctored Ninan. Ouch.

The reason I'm torn is that I read a lot already. And I read hard books with big words and no pictures. Books with words like "hermeneutic criterion" and other poly-syllabic terms that I have to look up.

And also education is expensive and I'm poor. And I have kids that have gotten used to eating food and wearing clothes on a regular basis.

I think I might just enter a mentoring program like Arrow or something, instead.

Had church in the coffee shop tonight. Many people passed by and looked at our sign and picked up one of these flyers I wrote that describe our church. What I wrote is pretty good and I think I'll post it tomorrow.


Jeff Logan said…
Anderson was my father in law's DMin supervisor (or at least on his defence /examining council). I have looked through Ray's margin notes in the various papers and dissertation drafts and was always hit by the practicality of his comments.

I have always pitched my doctoral studies in the light of - hey we're a pastoral family, we're going to be poor anyways!! And you're going to spend an inordinate amount of cash on books anyways...

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