
Listening to the Once soundtrack - killer, killer. Makes me want to head back to Dublin and wander around Grafton Street looking poetic. And U2 is recording in the same studio, when I met them 3 years ago.

I was sitting on my couch last Tuesday, reading my Bible. I have followed Murray M;Cheyne's bible reading guide for the past 5 years. It helps you read through the whole Old Testament and twice through the New Testament and Psalms.

After I read the passages, I pray for awhile and try to quiet down in order to hear from God. It was during this time of quiet reflection that I was overwhelmed with this desire to pray for everyone in my church , which is easy to do if you have a church of 20 people.

The prayer was specific - I had to pray that God's light would flood into any aspect of darkness in their life. That God's love and grace would enter into their life, and the darkness would have to flee.

It was quite an experience.

Adam told me that he wants to be a pastor when he grows up, which made my heart proud.


Joel M-E said…
that is cute that he wants to be a pastor.

I can't say that my girls have said that they want to be Settlement Analysts yet.... they just want to live the lavish life of being pig farmers (and milking them)
Santosh said…
Pig farmers? Wow.

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