Urban Buzz

This past week, I had been sticking around home, w. a few escapes to the Library or a coffee shop to work, outside the reach of Adam.

So, I sometimes forget the "urbaness" of my context. That is, I live downtown, but sometimes that fact doesn't always register - its only when I'm ambling down Robson, or a more congested part, that I come face to face with Urban life.

Well, today was one of those days. First, the Chinese New Year's Day Parade in Chinatown, which is about as congested as Hong Kong on this day.

Then, I headed up to a "Homelesness Countdown" hosted by my friends at Streams of Justice. Then I ambled on home, amidst the congestion of downtown Vancouver.

Had pizza and a Bible Study tonight, instead of a regular service, due to the fact that a majority of our people are away. It was nice - sort of house churchy.


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