More Days Like This One

What are we doing here?
Make art! Make art!

Well, my attempt to read a book a week seems to be stalled by Ray S. Anderson. Anderson's book "Shape of Practical Theology" is taking me more then a week.

There are 2 chapters early on which would quite easily discourage one from ever reading anything ever again. Heady Stuff, but now things start to be clearing up. Anderson dialogues with Barth, Brunner and other theological heavy-weights. Like every good theologian, he practices the thesis/antithesis dance, which (hopefully) leads to synthesis.

So, in my office today, I actually thought I would need a fan - it was so hot. Nice day off today. Spent the morning with Felicia and Sophia, (Adam was in pre-school). We had brunch at White Spot, and then went shopping - actually more like walking through a mall. I find I have no real desire to shop anymore. I had money in my wallet to buy stuff, but I don't really need anything. The only things I really buy are books and music - and these I buy mainly online.

We went to Chapters and I perused through a pile of books that looked interesting. One of the books is by a local writer: Eckhart Tolle. Tolle's book "A New Earth" is the latest choice by Oprah Winfrey for her book club. Sales have gone through the roof, even for past books by Tolle.

So what does Tolle say - this book seems to be an extension of his previous book "The Power of Now". Basically, we are more then our thoughts. Descarte's "I think therefore I am", is not enough. Tolle thinks if we can tap into this deeper self, we can unlock unknown power to deal with any obstacle or struggle that comes our way. And if everyone does this we will have "a new earth". He uses the new earth imagery from the book of Revelation when John says he sees a new heaven and a new earth, and the old one has passed away.

Tolle's teaching are completely self-centered, and disallow any entrance of the Divine as a supernatural revelation from without. All references to God, the Divine or a Higher Being are all made in relation to its connection with humanity.

This sort of self centered sacred self refrencing disallows much of what we Christians would consider Revelation. In Tolle's world our goal is self-enlightenment. In my world the goal is sanctification through the Spirit and the practice of the Spiritual disciplines.

The Oscars

Urban Sanctuary went bowling last night, so I didn't get time to watch the Oscars. But, with the power of you tube, I could see all the bits I missed. My favorite moment was Glen Hansard and Marketa Irgovna performing and then winning for best song. They are so down to earth and sweet - it was too bad John Travolta gave them the award!

Great song from one of my favorite movies last year. If you haven't seen Once, go out and rent it now - It's fantastic.


Derek Vreeland said…
"I think therefore I am" is the mantra of the kingdom of self. Is it possible for North American Christians to see how we have been shaped more by the kingdom of self than the kingdom of God.

Check out my friend Brian Zahnd's blog on "Being a Christian in America." Here

Just add "North" in front of "America" and he can be speaking about your context as well.


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