Still Lost

Adam and his much taller friend Hailee.

The votes are in - 4 for the beard and 3 for clean shaven. (Someone said I looked hot both hairy and smooth - so I added 1 vote to each side). I think I'll stay smooth for awhile, although Adam keeps insisting I grow it back.

Lost is back on the air. In tonight's episode one of the "rescuers" is named Charlotte Staples Lewis, which is very similar to Clive Staples Lewis (C.S. Lewis). Also, she did her undergrad at Oxford, where Clive also taught.

Interesting coincidence - one of the writers is probably a fan of the greatest Christian writer of the 20th C. Seriously - I read Mere Christianity every January, just to keep me in line.

This blog is now clocking in at 150 hits/day which is just crazy - most of last year I was at 30 hits/day.

Realized again how much I hate driving. I go to Surrey every Thursday for a Missional Training Network that I am a part of. Today was the first time I drove because I brought the lunch and didn't really want to be carting 24 chicken salad pitas in a big bowl on the skytrain, along with veggies and dip. And a 2 litre coke. And my laptop and books.

So I drove, and as usual it sucked. Although I did listen to a killer sermon by Rob Bell on the drive down- man that guy can preach! He's got a brilliant way of integrating the truths from both the Old and New Testaments.

Although in my last few sermons in 1 Peter I have been dipping back into the OT - just because Peter tosses around OT quotes himself and uses temple and priesthood language a lot.

Most commentators think Peter was writing to Gentiles - but then why does he reference so many things that are Jewish. Maybe, its cuz, get this - HE IS JEWISH. Peter is writing what he knows. Maybe he didn't know enough of his audience's context to completely drop the Jewish references, and dip into the Greco-Roman milieu, they would have been more familiar with.


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