
It's 1 AM. I'm tired but cannot sleep. A weird sort of nocturnal limbo.

A Mennonite Brethren church planting couple dropped by for a visit this morning. They are going to be planting next year in the Dunbar/UBC area. They are very much along the missional line of thinking when it comes to Kingdom expansion. It was nice being with like minded people. I hope and pray our little church can be an encouragement to them. They are coming to Urban Sanctuary tomorrow. They are going to share briefly and then I'm going to pray for them.

Speaking of UrbSan - tomorrow we meet for the first time in our new location! A coffee shop! Yep, we now have a cool and public locale, which fits very much in with the Yaletown vibe. What an opportunity!

We are working towards our "grand opening" or launch on April 6. I'm working on a message called "Jesus in Yaletown", which is hopefully an enticing enough sermon title.

New goal for 2008 - Read a book a week. So far so good - although I am reading a heavy theological tome called "The Shape of Practical Theology" by Ray S. Anderson. He throws around terms like Christopraxis and hermeneutical re-interpretation. Might be hard to bring this one in under a week - I'm averaging 20 pgs/hr.


Anonymous said…
Exciting about the new location. Post pictures if you can.

A book a week, eh? My suggestion is rate that over 4 or 5 weeks- that is, some books may take you 10 days, where others only 2 or 3. Don't kill yourself trying to hit the one week deadline, but go for the average.


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