
The church in a park.

I volunteered at the Roundhouse's 10th Anniversary Celebrations. The Roundhouse is the community center - it was built by the CP Rail Company as an actual working Roundhouse as the terminus for the Canadian rail line

I think it is one of the most important buildings in Vancouver - in a historical sense - whole other blog about that some other day.

As a volunteer I decided I would just do anything I was asked to do. I walked into the volunteer's room - it was all teenagers, esl students, an elderly women and a couple of old guys who helped with the train exhibit.

Me and a Korean ESL student were assigned to help block paint/print these silk hangings, that are going to go on display in the grand hall of the center.

When there was no one around, it was stunningly boring. When kids came over, it was kinda fun, helping them do it.

I reflected that Christian servanthood means doing things you would not want to do - hidden things that others may never see. I made some prints and helped some kids. I hung out with the Korean guy.

Some of the Urban Sanctuary folks came down and hung out towards the end of the evening. We bought some subs and then walked along the water until it got too cold.


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