English School

I have been requested to blog about my schools so here goes:

My classmates:
Fion - Born and raised in Vancouver. Is leaving for Hong Kong immediately to teach, after our class ends in June. She is so honest, it's hilarious.
Yuki - born in Hong Kong, raised in Surrey. Completed her B.Ed at UBC. Might also go to Hong Kong to teach.
Jeff - Undergrad student in Classics at UBC. Very nice guy.
Peter - Taught English in Korea for the past 3 years. Also has a B.Ed - but his is from the University of Winnipeg. Another prairie boy!!! Has excellent taste in music.

Stephen - our instructor. Non stop energy. From England and carries some idioms from that land. Excellent teacher.

I met some of the students I will be teaching next week. This guy named Carlos (from Mexico) stood up and said:
"I am Carlos, this is Maria."
Then he sat down - I am pretty sure he had exhausted his English skills.
Our students next week are from Mexico, Guatemala, Korea and Sri Lanka. I can't wait to teach.

Last week I was waffling about taking this course, but after this week I am so glad I did - it is really good.

Every Friday I am going to go for a beer at the pub across from the school. I have invited anyone from my class to join me - today it was just the men. It was really fun. I hope the ladies join us next week.


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