
Somebody on Craigslist is offering the following items for free:
grocery bag of corks

500ml(half size yogurt container) of rubber bands

garbage bag full of wire hangers.

I think the container for the wire hangers should be a clue as to where all of this stuff should go.

Caffeine - If I do not have caffeine in the morning, strange thing happen - my body starts to rebel, neurons in my brain start to mis-fire. And thats what happened this morning - I also had a dull headache all day.


Derek Vreeland said…
Ah Caffeine...the Christian drug of choice!

I had an early meeting Sunday morning (7:30 am) and so I got a cup of coffee at our local Burger King before the meeting. By 9:30 I was reved up and ready to go! I normally do not drink coffee on Sunday morning because I get dragon breath, but I may start drinking a large cup of coffee every Sunday...i think it helped me preach better!



PS I am honored to be listed as a friend on your blog...
Santosh said…
I like the new profile pic - coffee from Burger King? I'm trying to come up with a comment on that, but am stumped.
Derek Vreeland said…
Yes...BK coffee is not the best, but there are limited options in rural South Georgia at 7 am.

At home we brew coffee from Cafe Campesino ( a local coffee distributor that sells fairly-traded and orgainicly-grown coffee. It is good stuff!

Whenever I am too lazy to brew my own coffee...I settle for BK please make all the jokes you can think of!



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