School, boy

Today was my first day of school!

I have enrolled in a 5 week course to become a certified ESL teacher. As our funding winds down for our ministry, I have had to look for another was to supplement our income.

I talked with the director of the school - she said with a Masters degree and their certification, I should have no problem getting jobs when I am finished.

The class is quite intense - 9-5, M-F, with homework everyday.

The teacher is really nice, as our my class-mates. All of them have undergraduate degrees, but could not find jobs in their fields.

Should be an interesting ride.


Anonymous said…
Have fun at school!

We need more photos of Sophia!

love - Aunty Asha
Jeff Logan said…
Welcome to the wonderful world of TESOL!! It is a great addition to any skill set and especially for ministry. I have been able to travel all throughout SE Asia due to ESL and it has really helped in our church plant. We have up to 9 languages represented on a Sunday - not bad considering we are about 60-80 on a Sunday!!

Anytime you want to talk about allophones or do-support gimme a call!!
katevp-a said…
awesome santi!

i did a community health placement in an ESl class. it was called international health, but really they just needed placements for all the nursing students. but it was so awesome. there are many funny tales of me trying to explain new terms to the newcomers to canada and just making them more and more confused. also, my friend beth would always laugh at me because i spoke so fast and those little ESL-ers would look so confused, and in my kate-like way i would speak louder instead of slower. silly me. enjoy!

love kate

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