
I had sent out an e-mail to about 100 people asking for prayer. This is due to some stuff happening with our church First Baptist and decisions they have made around first@night.

In the last 3 days I have been in 4 heavy heavy meetings. The last one was last night with the leadership team of first@night and some senior leadership from First Baptist.

I can't really share yet what changes will be taking place with first@night - just know that I have been struggling with a lot of difficult emotions lately, and they've really been taking a toll on me personally.

Church planting is hard - but it is almost impossible if you have no support. And that is close to the situation we are finding ourselves in.

Felicia and I have both felt a distinct call to ministry in downtown Vancouver. But there just seems to be obstacle and obstacle again and again. When are you supossed to get the hint?

Anyways - we do have a small community of people who say they are still committed to a missional incarnation of the gospel in Yaletown. That is huge, and maybe this last trial was the final test to see whether or not we can FULLY trust God in this situation.

On a much much lighter note - I went shopping with Felicia and Adam today. I need a new grey zippered hoody to replace my tattered one that I bought years ago from the Champs store in Midtown Plaza.

We went to the Puma store. It is new - near Robson and Granville. The second level is like 50 feet above the main level. In order to get there with Adam, we had to squeeze into the smallest elevator I have ever been in with an employee. This guy was a typical urban hipster with the flipped over gelled hair.

One thing I love is retail sales people who are totally ENTHUSIASTIC about their products. Like this guy. He was covered in Puma and was aksing us if we had been in the store before. We said No and he said "ISN'T IT AWESOME!" I said, "its really something" - you've got clothes and shoes on sale which is pretty unique. (I didn't say the last part). He's all decked out in Puma, including the biggest belt buckle I have ever seen before. Don't fall in the water man - you would drown for sure - you've got an anchor around your waist.

No luck with the hoody - except there was a cool one in the Adidas store - which incidently carries the wierdest clothes I have ever seen.


Anonymous said…
Oldman here...Can you please tell me what a Missional interpretation of the Bible means.....I have no clue..thanks
Anonymous said…
Oldman here..sorry but I meant a missional incarnation of the Gospel.....what does it mean and what exactly are you trying to accomplish in Yaletown.I understand you want a church there but what does your version of church offer that others don't.I imagine other ministries have tried.
Unknown said…
I am concerned that you are straying from your heritage.... hoodie? You should really be teaching Adam your traditional toungue from Sask... it is a Bunnyhug.

Although there are no saturday morning classes in Edmonton to teach our children the traditions and language of out homeland (Sask), we have taken it upon ourselves to teach them the ways.
Our children are bilingual when it comes to "hooded sweatshirts" - and I would encourge you to do the same.

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