The Guest

Team A&O ready for business.

We have a house guest: Olivia Welch. Olivia is the daughter of Spencer and Renee. They went to L.A. to see some awards show called the Grammy's. I've never heard of them either.

So we are taking care of little Olivia. Olivia is also the first child I ever dedicated as a pastor, so that's pretty cool. Olivia is quite well behaved - sleeps well, is polite, until she doesn't get her way! She is quite affectionate towards Adam, but it is a sort of unrequited love, as Adam tends to ignore her. I took quite a nice pic of them (above).

Scott Kripps, who is planting a church in Calgary called "Awaken" spoke at first@night tonight. He was good - an easy guy to like. Also Michael gurule and Emily helped with worship which was cool.

I shared about being "sent" and how we see a lot of movement in the Bible:

Adam and eve left the Garden of Eden.
Cain went to the land in the east
Abraham left Ur (his home) and went, not knowing where God was going
Joseph was forced to leave his home in the desert to serve in a palace
Moses left the palace to work in the desert
The Israelites left Egypt for the desert, and eventually the promised land
Various prophets were sent to certain cities and people to proclaim the word of the lord
Jonah left his home and went to Ninevah, via a whale’s stomach.
Esther left her people for a king’s palace
Jesus left heaven to come to earth
The apostles left Jerusalem and were sent out everywhere.

We are also sent out - out into our spheres of influence.

This pattern of sending is also theologically true:

God the Father and God the Spirit, sent God the Son, to earth to accomplish the work of salvation.

Then God the Son and God the Father sent God the Spirit to the church, to empower and direct them.

And then God the Father, God the Son and God the Spirit, sent out the early church into all the world and do what God wants to accomplish in the world.


Anonymous said…
adorable photo! I've never seen Adam look so serious before.

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