And as things fell apart...

"St. Michael defeats Satan"
artist unknown (to me)

I have been thinking a lot about suffering and enduring the cross. That is the crux of the Christian faith - it's not always happy clappy, things don't always work out the way you planned. Things fall apart. Marriages fall apart. careers crash.

In the middle of all that chaos we are supossed to hang onto this tattered hope that God is still in control.

And He is. I have to believe that, or else all is chaos and vanity.

It's 12:45 in the morning. Adam can't sleep and neither can I. I have a full day tomorrow but I can't fool myself into sleeping, what with a headache, and a head so full that thoughts can not rest.

I sense that one chapter of my life is coming to an end, and another is starting. I don't know what it looks like, but I know Who is writing it.


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