Listen up.

first@night at our baptism service last summer at Sunset Beach.

Well, it was a split week for Adam. I was away mon-wed on a retreat. Felicia worked Wed. and Thurs. nights. So today we decided to spend the bulk of the morning together as a family. We went to Sophie's for brunch.

Sophies is sort of a Kitsilano institution, and also the place I first met Bono.

Then I needed to get some books out of the Regent library. They have just built a new one and I have to admit - it is amazing. Lots and lots of room. Comfy chairs - it kicks on the old library where I spent many hours looking through old tomes.

The total cost of the renovations was 10 million - money well spent, i think.

Spent the afternoon reading several books on church planting - still hammering on the strategic plan and the vision / core values of the re-engineering of first@night.

Last night our denomination held a "listening session". They are holding these through Western Canada. They gather together the churches from the area, and ask them to share the following:

1. What has God called you to do?
2. What resources has he given you?
3. What resources do you need?
4. What is one goal you want to reach in the coming year?

Here were my responses on behalf of first@night:

1. He has called us to be a community that reflects his love in the heart of downtown Vancouver.
• to share the message of jesus in culturally relevant ways
• to be a place of healing and shalom for the broken in our midst

2 • people who share the same vision
• our apt. - we were able to buy our apt. - at current market rates we would not be able to afford it - we have opened up our apt. almost every week for bible studies and dinners, ever since we first moved in

3. • would like a central location to meet
• after this june, I will have no guaranteed income – I would like to have the security of a regular income, so I can focus on the work I have been called to do
• more mutual support and encouragement from surrounding union churches

4. • we would like to have our own central location where we meet on a regular basis in the heart of Yaletown
  • to have security in my income, so i can focus fully on what God has called me to do
After all the pastors shared, there was this nice ceremony that involved candles. I was sort of zoning out, but I saw everyone going up and getting candles so I ran up there to get mine!

It was a great session - we celebrated communion and worshipped as well.

I am glad to be tied in to my particular denomination - it really does feel like I am home with them. It's not perfect, but there are marks of humilty and love there.


Anonymous said…
Oldman here...It has been a while but i have been ill.Having read your latest installment it made me think of a question previously asked and answered.You said at the time that your sole income was from donations or tithes? from parishoners yet you told me later your flock totaled only 15.Based on your blog entries I couldn't quite put together how you could live the way you do on that kind of income.Now you say your income will come to a halt in June..I am confused.This is somewhat personal so as always you may choose not to answer but i really am curious.....Thanks....
Anonymous said…
I have raised my support through some organizations that support church planting. That funding will soon end. then I will have to raise my own support through prayer letters to friends and families, and of course the tithes from the congregation.

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