Well, quite an eventful day yesterday. Had my horizons broadened by Judy and Tim.

Today had a breakfast meeting. Then spent the bulk of the day plotting out first@night's next steps. Will unveil more when the time is right , but change is afoot.

Had a meeting with a sr. leader at FBC, also along the lines of the future of first@night.

Leave for Calgary early tomorrow. Will be back Friday afternoon. I have Church Health and Planting meetings. Will connect with Dr. L and nurse Carla. - RUSS!!!!


Well, after over 2 dozen succesfully published articles in Relevant magazine I got my first rejection. I was kinda disappointed - I thought it was a pretty good article. You be the judge:

The Vilest Offender Who Truly Believes….

I live in Vancouver Canada. If you’ve ever been here, you will know that this is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Stunning mountain landscapes, sandy beaches and a mild (though rainy) climate all add up to one amazing place to live.

There are also many beautiful people who grace this town. I live in a part of town called “Yaletown”. It is an expensive and trendy area where many of the beautiful people migrate.

But there is an ugliness that exists parallel to all this beauty. A few blocks from my apartment is an area known as the “downtown east-side”. This area carries the dubious distinction of being the poorest postal code in Canada. It is home to hundreds of drug users, prostitutes, mentally ill and homeless people. This area has recently been thrust into the national and international spotlight.

First a little background: in the late 90’s women started to disappear from these mean streets. As the numbers were rising, the authorities were accused of dragging their feet. It was thought that because the women were drug-addicted prostitutes, the police were not treating the disappearances with much importance.

The police did investigate and their investigations resulted in the arrest and charging of Robert Pickton. Pickton is accused of murdering at least 26 women, making him the worst serial killer in Canadian history. The Pickton trial began today attracting 300 members of the media from around the world.

Drug addicted prostitutes are the most vulnerable people in our society. When Jesus spoke of "the least of these" I'm sure he thought of these troubled women.

The details of the prosecution’s opening statements were on the news tonight. I started to feel sick. Pickton is accused of not just killing the women, but dismembering them as well.

Last night at church I prayed for the families of the victims during the coming weeks and months. I then took the bold step to pray for Pickton and his family. I prayed that Pickton would reach out to the grace of God during this time. I prayed that his family would be comforted as they try to cope. Praying for an accused serial murderer reminded me of a time when I led prayer at Regent College’s chapel service a couple of years ago. I was supposed to pray for peace; - in the prayer I included a request that peace would reign in the heart of Osama Bin Laden. I remember pausing when I came to his name, but I still prayed for him.

I am also reminded of James Dobson speaking about his encounter with serial killer Ted Bundy in prison. Dobson said Bundy had made a commitment to Christ. I know some people who have a tough time believing that is possible. The following Sunday I was singing "To God Be the Glory". There is a line in there that says: "the vilest offender who truly believes, a pardon from Jesus receives." It struck me to the core of my being. Ted Bundy and Robert Pickton can easily fit into the category of “vilest offenders”. Yet God’s grace extends even to them.

How do we reconcile the grace and love for God for the “vilest offenders” among us? Is God’s grace and love really available for pedophiles, skinheads and serial killers? As hard as it is to believe, I have to believe it is.

If we look in the pages of our Bible we see it full of unlikely saints: Moses killed a guy, David had an affair and then killed the woman’s innocent husband and Paul was a Middle Eastern terrorist.

But look at what grace did: Moses led one of the greatest liberations of slaves in history, David gave us the Psalter and was the greatest king in Israel’s history and Paul gave us most of the New Testament and planted churches wherever he went.

Grace has got to be able to reach to the depths of human depravity. And it does. Just read the Bible. Better yet, consider how God’s grace has saved you and keeps saving you.

What's so amazing about Grace?


Santosh Ninan leads a small church in downtown Vancouver (see He is married to Felicia and they have a 2 yr. old son named Adam.


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