Oscar round-up

The Departed
Best Picture / Best Director - 2007 Academy Awards

I selected 5/6 of the winners in the Oscars. Here is the list of the categories that anyone cares about:

Supporting Actress: Jennifer Hudson - Dreamgirls
Supporting Actor: Alan Arkin - Sunshine
Actress: Helen Mirren - Queen
Actor - Forest Whitiker - Last King of Scotland
Picture - Departed (this is where i lost - i chose Sunshine)

So Martin Scorsese is finally vindicated!!!! He should have been recognized for Taxi Driver, Goodfellas, Raging Bull, the Last Waltz or Cape Fear. I was afraid he was going to go the Robert Altman route - a lifetime achievement oscar, but no recognition for a single individual work of excellence.

I loved the long ovation he got.

In my opinion I think Raging Bull is his finest film (although several may argue that nothing touches Goodfellas).

Brent and I saw Breach this afternoon. It was pretty good - i thought the pace was a bit slow. In the trailer it looks like a fast paced spy thriller. It was a more leisurly stroll that allowed fuller character development. The best line is when Chris Cooper's character explains that communism fell due to godlessness.


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