
i'm trying to take that ad thing off that is at the top of this page but it is more complicated then i thought. today was the 25th or 26th straight day of rain in vancouver. on sunday we tie the record which was set in like 1952. i can't believe this- the whole city is suffering from seasonal affective disorder.

had mark and terri over for dinner tonight - it was fun - they are both really nice and unpretentious. was locked up in my office all day - writing the sermon. this week it is from gen 25 - the birth of jacob and esau - how they were born into a state of division and how god chose the younger over the older.

yesterday i was invited by a group of pentecostal pastors to see some of the work some of their people are doing in the downtown eastside. it was quite amazing. they actually prayed for me - one of the pastors thanked god that He had chosen me for this task. ihave to tell you that went to the depths of my soul. it really hit me hard. god could have chosen anyone - but He chose me! i told this pastor that, he confirmed that he felt it was a very special word from the lord.

had a rough start tot he week - felt it was partly phsiological and partly spiritual attack - feeling much better now. god has strengthed me and empowered me for the work he has given me.


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