brokeback sermon

preached this morning at the 11 o clock service at first baptist. it was interesting - this was the most relaxed i have ever felt when preaching. i preached on eph. 3:1-12 on the inclusion of the gentiles into the people of god - it was epiphany sunday.

feedback was very good with several people asking me for the text of the sermon.

relaxed in the aft. then headed out to see brokeback mountain w. patrick - i just love the whole gay cowboy genre. it was actually quite a good movie - i predict best picture, best actor for heath ledger and best ciinematography and best director. it has the best cinematography of any film i have seen since "city of god".

will probably review it for relevant this week.

tomorrow is the last day of holidays, then back to the grind.



Anonymous said…
High praise. I'll have to see it. Look forward to the review. Oh, I am glad to see that you got the links worked out.

Santosh said…
thanks jamie

peace brother.
Anonymous said…
respectfully disagree kind sir. i think john seale has the best cinematography- rain man, children of a lesser god, english patient, cold mountain (stunning)... I think alberta is just so beautiful, all he had to was point the camera and roll film.
Anonymous said…
I would have to agree with you Patrick, Alberta is beautiful, and so are the people there... :-)

btw - you are missing a few quotes in your links after the .com/ eg:

Santosh said…
i don't know what you mean about the quotes - should the links all have .com after them?

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