notes from a pub

i am sitting in a pub on bowen island. i am on my personal retreat - i haven't got to the retreat center yet - i stopped for some dinner on my way.

the service in this place sucks - already i am having a huge conflict in my head over the tip.

its really dark on the island - not many street lights - aparrently the retreat center is at the top of the hill and is quite a hike - i hope the bears don't get me or i wander off the path.

anyways i will probably post again on sunday or monday with the reports of my findings.

finished the sermon this morning - emotional wallop for the conclusion.


addition at 9:17 p.m. - this retreat center has wireless! ha ha! this is hilarious - here i am trying to "get away from it all" and i can travel the globe through ther internet.

this center is at the top of a hill i was soacked with sweat by the time i got up here - got my room - this place is very very nice and you only pay what you can afford. my brother told me i should tell them i am charging negative 50 bucks so they will owe me 100 by sunday.

i have a private room w. my own bathroom - there is a shared kitchen where i prepare my meals. i brought food to make meals for tomorrow and sunday breakfast.

tonight i had a shower then went to one of the larger rooms and read - thomas merton on solitude. i'm getting pretty tired so i'm going to hit the sack early tonight.


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