no energy

felicia and adam went to the chinese new years parade. i am still feeling sick so i opted out. the sky matches my mood - grey and grumpy.

today i'm going to try to do some reading. i am reading "preaching to a shifting culture". the chpater on pluralism by bryan chapell was excellent. the chapter i am reading right now goes into a lot of complex communication theory stuff. cuz i'm sick it is hard for me to concentrate.

bruce kuhm performs tonight - bruce is a broadway actor who now has a 1 man show based on the gospel of luke. he has performed it around the world and now will perform it at first@night.

had a good leadership meeting last night - got a lot of stuff covered. everyone is in good spirits even though our plug gets pulled after may.

carla - quit playing pacman. play galaga instead.


Loeppky family said…
Santosh: I found the craziest, fastest, most intense version of pacman for mac (shareware) that I downloaded a little while ago and it is so addicting! I don't know if you can get it for PC the same as Mac but if you can, you should. I indeed have pacman fever!

Anonymous said…
I agree with Santosh.... Galaga is where it is at... there is nothing like the feeling having those double shooters.
Anonymous said…
Santosh said…
its one of the great feeling in life in getting the double shooter

and also getting a perfect score in a challenge round.

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