sick days

so both flea and i are under the weather. i spent 2 hours in bed yesterday aft.

feeling better today. went in for a key meeting with our sr. pastor, another pastor and the head of church planting for my denomination to discuss the future of first@night after may.

it looks like the church is unable to come up with any more funds for after may - but if i find other funding they may allow me to continue to have an office and for us to use pinder.

the rebel in me wants to go it alone but i know its better to maintain a healthy mutual relationship with fbc.

big news - i have entered the ipod nation. my nano arrived today and i spent most of the afternoon loading it w. songs.

ahhhh - my materialistic consumer needs have been met as my soul continues to erode. pray for me.

heading off to keats island for a retreat w. the rest of the pastors tomorrow. should be interesting.




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