
Was sick most of today again. My life has degenerated into sips of cold water, poking at food, sleeping and trying to concentrate on a video on my laptop (BBC's Office and Lord of the Rings so far).

I went into the home office to try to work on my sermon. I was planning to preach on the Holy Spirit's role in prayer and ministry. But then I tried reading the following:

Acts depicts Pentecost as the basis of the church's existence, yet it is not so merely as an act of collective enthusiasm but as the starting point of proclamation of the resurrection of the Crucified and of his installation to a position of eschatological power as the Son of God and Kyrios. Corresponding to the eschatological character of this event on the side of believers is the assurance that in them the outpouring of the Spirit that is promised for eschatological consummation has occurred already.

This fine paragraph by theologian extraordinaire Wolfhart Pannenberg, teamed up with my already fragile state and proceeded to give me the most wicked headache ever.

So, goodbye Pannenberg, hello survivor!!!

I think I am at the tail end of things, and hope to be back to normal tomorrow.


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