I Can't Hear You

I am at about 70% capacity. My head is pretty congested, so everything sounds sort of muffled. At one point, I actually heard my heart beating in my head, which was pretty weird.

Its midnight, and I can't sleep, so I'm killing time on here.

Genius picked out these songs based on Silver and Gold by U2

1. Murder Inc. - Springsteen
2. Talk About the Passion - R.E.M.
3. Sweetheart Like You - Dylan
4. In the Evening - Zeppelin
5. Clampdown - Clash
6. Monkey Man - Rolling Stones
7. Love Removal Machine - The Cult
8. 300 MPH Torrential Down Pour BLues - White Stripes
9. Helter Skelter - U2
10. Dirty Blvd. - Lou Reed

The R.E.M. song is very old - off of the Murmur album.
Everything else I can see fitting - maybe nor White Stripes or Lou Reed. White Stripes seem too new for a B-side U2 song that is over 20 years old. 

Church was good this morning. I was happy with my sermon. Quite a few people away due to Spring Break.

Spring Break - Adam will be home from pre-school, making my mornings a little less peaceful. Working from home is not too bad most of the time. If things get too loud, I just put my headphones on - just like I would in a loud Starbucks.


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