On the Other Side


Finally feeling a little better. Not 100%, but enough that I can actually work once again.

Upcoming concerts:

April - Leonard Cohen
June - Coldplay
October - U2

First, Leonard Cohen. I like Cohen a lot. I hadn't considered going to see him live until Bono said that the best concert he had ever been to was Leonard Cohen earlier this year in Dublin. Best concert ever? Sheesh. Only problem is I know absolutely no one who would want to go see him. So, if you live in the Vancouver and want to go, drop me a line and we'll go.

Coldplay - seen them once before and they were fantastic. I really like the new album. Felicia will go to this one with me.

The biggie - U2 - can't wait. This will be my 8th U2 concert. I am toying with the idea of flying out east to see them as well. But, I think if they go to San Diego, I'll go there instead, as I have family there.

Other than that, things seem to be going well. We are about to undertake a major overhaul of our web-site which I'm pretty excited about. I need to raise the money for it, above our current budget, so I have a couple of people to talk to about that, but the new site will be pretty sweet.

I talked to a couple of designers about it - we are going with a pretty large company with offices around North America. I spent 40 minutes on the phone with the lead designer - he gave me an excellent overview of what they can do for us.

After, talking to him, I talked to a smaller local company made up of 20 somethings. Truthfully, this is the company I would prefer to work with, simply because they are local. But, this guy (the C.E.O) sounded like he was eating a sandwich the whole time we were talking. His price was going to be way higher than this other company.

But, the thing that totally turned me off, was at one one point he told me, "Well, we're not Christians. Is that ok? I don't know, you might want to keep your business with your own type of people." 

I was so shocked at this inane comment, that I was speechless for a couple of seconds. I finally said, "I could care less, if you were Christian or not - I don't go to my dentist because of his spiritual beliefs - I go because he does a good job of fixing my teeth. "

I would go to a satanist if he could make us a good web-site - ok, maybe not a satanist, but you get the picture.

I really couldn't figure out why this guy had to tell me he wasn't a Christian. Did he think my ears would start burning and I would start screaming "HEATHEN!!!"  into the phone?

Needless to say, I won't be considering this company for any of our work.


DrHGuy said…
If you can find tickets to any Leonard Cohen concert anywhere, I don't think you'll have problems finding a companion. (I flew from Chicago to New York for the Beacon Theatre performance last month and it was the best concert I've see - which only proves I'm a Cohen fan). My suggestion is that you check this section of the fan site which focuses on the North American Tour and, if it looks appropriate to you, enter your fellowship request there: http://www.leonardcohenforum.com/viewforum.php?f=32

Good luck
Anonymous said…
Glad to see you found someone to do the site. Sometimes is pays to pay someone .. all too often you get what you pay for :)

I am also looking forward to the U2 tour. And this time I am not going to make the mistake and think that they are coming to AB (or have a baby that limits my travel :). Andrea has mentioned a few times how she would like to go on a holiday to NY.... so maybe we will kill 2 birds with one stone.
Joel M-E
Santosh said…
U2 in New York - 2 of my favourite things. If you come to Vancouver, make sure to drop me a line and we'll hang out - also haven't seen Andea since the 70's.

Jeff Logan said…
Santosh you scared me, by your title and the photo I thought Cohen had died!!

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