The Robot in Adam's Heart

Sunday night - 11:30 PM. Listening to Radiohead and chilling in my office. Watched too much tv tonight - Amazing Race and Celebrity Apprentice. 

Felicia is at work, so its just me and the 2 little Ninans - both sleeping peacefully. Sophia got up and played for a bit, but then went back to bed, when I told her it was time to sleep. Earlier, Adam sat on bar-stools at the kitchen island, eating mint-chip ice-cream. He turned to me and asked how my day was with Soph. 

Later on we were talking about what it meant for Jesus to live in his heart. Adam then informed me that something else lives in his heart - a robot with octopus arms made of steel. I began to wonder what theology people in our church are learning, if my own son believes that!

Church was good today. Our little church has four worship bands, which I find quite amazing. We don't need to hire a worship pastor, because there would simply nothing for him to do.

A number of new people again today. I am discovering that our growth is coming primarily from people who live near the church, but attend other churches in other cities. They get sick of driving 30 minutes (or more) to get to their other church, and they come check us out. The ironic thing is that we similarly have people who live in other cities that drive in for our church. 

I also ran my first membership class today - we use the material from Saddleback Church. We simply re-fashion it for our context. It is very simple and basic, which is good.

On Easter Sunday we are going to welcome all the new members. 

Day off tomorrow! 


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