In The Name of Jesus

Day off today - I read "In the Name of Jesus" by Henri Nouwen. I read this small book on leadership 5 years ago.

Nouwen is an always refreshing voice amidst the hectic congestion of contemporary ministry life. He goes so much deeper than the average Christian book on the bestseller lists. In this book he charts out what is necessary for Christian leadership.

He says that the temptations pastors face are the temptation to be relevant, spectacular and powerful. The most powerful thing that I got out of this time's reading is the simple fact that nothing matters if I do not love Jesus.

"It is not enough for priests and ministers of the future to be moral people, well trained, eager to help their fellow humans, and able to respond creatively to the burning issues of their time. All of that is very valuable and important, but it is not the heart of Christian leadership. The central question is, Are the leaders of the future truly men and women of God, people with an ardent desire to dwell in God's presence, to listen to God's voice, to look at God's beauty, to touch God's incarnate Word, and to taste fully God's infinite goodness?"

He makes the point that Christ did not commission Peter out into ministry until he was assured that Peter loved Him. We dare not embark out in ministry unless, we similarily ddo everything out of a heart that has been infused and renewed by God's love. And God's love has to be central. We too easily get tempted by second loves or causes. Feeding the poor is good, but even if this act of social justice replaces our love for God, it can become an idol in our lives.



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