Last Gasp of Summer

Today, about 4:00.
(Bad Euro-techno is playing loudly on a
cheap portable system in the background).

It's rare to have a day as warm as today, when its almost October. But, it was a hot hot day.

The Vancouver Film Festival started on Friday. This is my favorite two weeks of the year in Vancouver. Its different this year - I'm not volunteering, and I live too far away to go to as many films as I'd like. I will miss the people I have worked with for the last 2 years at the festival, and the killer party they have at the end!

I had planned on going to a Thai film this afternoon about a village rebuilding itself after the Tsunami. But, it was just too hot and sunny to spend the afternoon in a darkened theatre with a bunch of other film geeks.

So, I packed up the family and headed to White Pine Beach to soak up the rays one last time before the rains come to wash away our joy. It was fun, except for the people who insisted on playing their brutal music really loud. The only respite was "Ring of Fire" by JC came on.

Did anyone else catch Sarah Palin's interview with Katie Couric? HOW DID MCCAIN CHOOSE THIS WOMAN?!?!??!?!

I could not believe how much she stuttered and stammered in answering her questions. McCain, should have picked the East Indian brotha - Bobbby Jindal.

Felicia, Sophia and I went for pancakes this morning. A lady at another table kept calling Palin as being as "stupid as a stick". She said it at least 5 times. Later on, she made an impassioned case for how the first commandment summed up the remaining 9 commandments. If we can just love God, everything else would work out.

I guess she is trying to love God, but doesn't yet have room in her heart for poor Sarah. God is still helping me to have room in my heart for those that I might not agree with.


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