
Our neighbor.

Finally unpacked and settled in. (Linksys seems to be ok - Jamie). My home office is almost set up - I really love it, mainly because it has a huge wooden desk, where I can lay out a lot of books. I wish it had a door, though - the young 'uns wander in quite often.

Interesting day. Went to the bank and ran into a mother and son from the church. Then I went through the A&W drive-thru and the guy who handed me my junk food, had been at the church for the first time on Sunday - he recognized me and introduced himself. I wanted to pretend the teen burger and root beer wasn't for me. Instead, I invited him back on Sunday.

And then tonight, I went for dinner with a friend who is getting baptized and wanted some guidance on writing his testimony. As we were leaving the restaurant 2 young good looking servers - one Asian guy and a blonde girl told me that some of my friends from church said hi. I asked if they were in the restuarant. They sort of smiled mischeviously and said no. I looked closer and realized that both of them had also been at church the previous week! I invited them back - they both said they have Sundays off, so they could probably start coming regularly.

So, in one day I ran into 5 people associated with the church! The power of incarnating in the neighborhood! I was so encouraged! Another confirmation that this is exactly where God wants us.

Some new music - Randy Newman, M.I.A and the new Chris Tomlin.

Randy Newman is most famous for singing songs for Pixar films. He is quite sarcastic and funny as seen in the song "A Few Words in Defense of My Country". M.I.A. is on Chris Rock's playlist - she is a Sri Lankan electronica performer - very very catchy. Tomlin is a very popular worship singer. The album is good, but Tomlin's lyrics get too lovey dovey for me - like Jesus is a really good looking guy who wants to date me, and this is how I feel about it.


Anonymous said…
Yeah, our Linksys generally work 80%. We only find a problem when the Mac does a heavier download. Glad it's working! Great pic too.

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