
Sophia and her beloved Appacha.

Today was a special service. The area minister of B.C. for the Mennonite Brethren preached. Following the sermon, he performed an "installation" ceremony, where Felicia and I were formally installed as the pastors of Heritage Mountain Community Church.

It was a very cool ceremony. He asked me a series of questions and then he asked the congregation a series of questions. Then he asked the congregation to gather around and lay hands on us as he prayed for us.

His message was on leaders and followers. He gave excellent advice to both me as the leader and the church as the congregation.

It was a cold, wet miserable day today. Both Felicia and I kind of moped around the house in a low energy daze.

This is our last week downtown! We move on Saturday. Wow. Goodbye traffic, noise, energy and convenience.
Hello cul-de-sacs, quiet, trees and an upper middle class enclave.

Oh - I really appreciated the comments on the last post. Helped change my perspective a lot.


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