Answered Prayer

Every Sunday after church we invite people to come to the front to pray about any concerns they have - personal or corporate.

Last Sunday, I shared about how I was starting to feel pressure, because we had not yet found renters for our home. Later that afternoon, I ran into a friend who used to be in a Bible Study in our apartment. He is a realtor. I told him anout our situation - he said, no problem, I'll get you a renter.

I said, uh, ok.

Between Mon. and Tuesday he showed the apt. 5 times and secured us a renter today - signed lease and damage deposit!!!! I am so grateful!!!

I still can't believe it - we had hired this big name property management company - they got us one showing in 10 days. We were very disappointed with them - terrible service as well.

We canceled our contract w. them (and lost a little money, as well). But, at least now we are guaranteed renters for the next 12 months!


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