Skype Nation

Waiting to run a very wet Victoria marathon last year.

I might be a late bloomer on this whole skype thing, I'm not sure. But, it is quite revolutionary - you can video chat with anyone in the world with a web-cam and a skype account.... and it's free!!!

You can also do a conference call with up to 24 people, although I'm not sure why you would want that many people together trying to talk. This morning my parent's set up a conference call with relatives in Chetrapur India, Hyderabad India, San Diego, Oxnard, Vancouver and Regina - it was kinda trippy. Just my brother in Brooklyn was left out.

It was actually pretty amazing - it had all the same disorderly madness, as if all these relatives together. You can't video, just talk.

Today, I was focused on my sermon, which is actually coming together pretty well - 1 Peter 4:8-11 - Marks of a healthy community: love, hospitality and service.

Sunrun tomorrow - this is one of my favorite events in Vancouver. The other being the film festival. They think there might be upwards of 60 000 people running tomorrow!

Every year its the same thing - I promise to train for the race, starting in January. And every year lethargy and laziness take over, and I sorta run a few times. DANG!!!!

I think I'll probably do as well as I've done for the past 7 years - around 50-55 minutes. A far cry from my 37-45 minute days!

And then Sophia's party after church tomorrow - a fun-filled day.


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