Joy Fellowship

This morning I preached in my favorite new church.

Joy Fellowship is a church made up primarily of mentally and physically disabled people. And they really live up to their name. You can feel the joy and love as soon as you enter. One of my biggest beefs with any church is if no one talks to you. Here, I was bowled over by the reception - 3 people shook my hand within the first 10 seconds of entering the church - 1 dear woman in a wheel-chair asked my name and then gave me a hug. Another woman from Sri Lanka was thrilled to find out that I was both from India AND a pastor.

Things are a bit "unorthodox", as you might imagine. But, they worshipped joyfully, and were quite attentive when I gave the message on the doubts of Thomas.

After, my message a few of them gathered around and prayed for me. It was one of the most meaningful and touching moments of my life, as these dear brothers and sisters prayed for me, my church and my family.

Urban Sanctuary and Joy Fellowship will likely hold a joint service together in the next 2 months, and I can't wait. I believe the members of this church have an extra amount of grace and joy embedded in their lives.


ReverendKathryn said…
Aren't they the best? I first met Joy Fellowship through my friend Melanie. She is ordained through them but works in chaplaincy with me. When I went for her ordination service, we brought 4 or 5 residents from the nursing home where she and I worked, one being a member of Joy Fellowship. I was greeted as you were, within seconds of entering. Talk about unconditional love and acceptance. It is too bad that we all can't be as welcoming to others when they enter.

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