outta town wedding

i'm doing a wedding tomorrow - it is at a camp in belcarra bc. i have never heard of belcarra - it is out by port moody, which to me is like going to mars. i have never been there before. we rented a car for the weekend to get back and forth. its wierd driving again. we sold the beetle in september , so we have been carless for 8 mths. and seem to have adjusted quite well.

although driving a car again sort of made me want to have one - especially since adam really enjoys riding around.

this wedding is at a camp. the bride and groom have made it into a really fun weekend, with the wedding party and their families actually staying out at the camp. since i am such a wimp, i opted out of actually staying there. felicia and adam will be coming tomorrow which should be fun.

what else - finished up sermon (almost). it is on reconciliation. parents come on sunday - am REALLY excited about that. they are taking us out to a really fancy restaurant to celebrate my grad on monday.

i am really quite proud of graduating with my mdiv from regent college. it was tough at times (esp. greek and hebrew), but by god's grace i made it through. i feel so blessed to have been able to get this great education. i still think theological education is important - even if my emergent peers would disagree. more on this in a later blog.


Anonymous said…
Hi santosh,

The emergent church reminds me somewhat of the early Brethren movement, which was good, but soon, because they thought they were right, had more rules than the church they were trying to leave behind. Perhaps every church starts out as an emergent church, seeking to correct the errors and arrogance of a previous emergent church. But like all the others, and like Israel itself, we mess up. God have mercy, and he does - thankfully for all of us. Blessings and have a good convocation. J.A.
Santosh said…
thank you anonymous. i agree - thoughtful observation. i am curious as to how the emrgent movement will be in 10-15 yrs. will it be another fad, or will it have a serious impact on evangelicalism in the west?

only time will tell.

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