
parasite came back - i feel like that story that jesus tells about the evil spirit that leaves and then comes back with 7 others. i was fine yesterday and then this morning all of a sudden i'm spending more time in the washroom then in my office. ditched work early - got my sermon done but not the service outline.

i've been reflecting on what my personal testimony is. for years i have given a fairly standard testimony of when i was "saved", baptized, when i fell away and when i came back. but i think this leaves out a lot of the nuances and shadows of my faith - like how right now i don't think i can explain what it means to invite jesus into your heart. or that i feel that we have collapsed the kingdom of god gospel that jesus preached into an individualistic ticket to heaven gospel.

looking ahead to next week:

wednesday - leadership meeting
friday - wedding rehearsal out of town
saturday - wedding ceremony out of town
sunday - preach evening service
monday - graduation!

then a few days off surfing in tofino.


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