3 meetings

i had wanted to get my sermon done but forgot i had a couple of meetings today. at 10:00 i met w. albert chu - he is the head of church planting for the reformed church in canada and the pastor of a church called tapestry in richmon. he's a good guy. he just wanted my take on church planting in downtown - they want to plant in yaletown as well. this would mean there are 3 church plants happening in yaletown - don't know if that's too much. what if we all attempt it and only 1 survives?

then a few of us took marianne out for lunch to wlecome her on to full time staff as director of family and children's ministries.

then a new guy at first@night named jason dropped by the office at 3 to give me like 6 really rare u2 cds - including some live concerts form joshua tree and the vancouver show that i was at. looking forward to giving them a spin.

felicia's at work - just me and the boy - he went to sleep no problem.

been reading 1 thessalonians - paul really loved them and kept encouraging them to keep going through whatever tirals they were going through.

my sermon is on phil 2 - the humbling and consequent elevation of jesus.



Anonymous said…
which u2 cds if i might ask?

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