goin' to the chapel...

did a wedding today. it was at a camp in belcarra which is near port moody. it was a beautiful spot and the wedding was outdoors. it poured rain all day. as 3:00 approached it still appeared as though we would be moving indoors. the bride moved the time to 4:00 in hope of a break from the rain.

at 3:30 things cleared up and we proceeded with the outdoor setting which was quite beautiful. the wedding was very very casual. with things sort of being added and dropped as we went along. both bride and groom cried. i'm a pretty emotional guy and i wonder when i am going to cry as i actually perfrom a wedding.

the service went really well. i didn't misplace the vows as i did at the last wedding i performed! i really liked everyone in the wedding party. i am completely exhaused right now and still have the conclusion of my sermon to write as well as the entire service outline to prepare for tomorrow night. i have never been this cramped for time before but it has been an excpetional week.

will get it all done in the morning. right now i am going to zone out in front of the tv until i fall asleep.


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