sunday # 5

had our 5th service tonight. it was good - good worship. the speaker jonathan bird spoke on urban mission. i think it resonated with some people but may have been a bit too academic for others. jonathan is a good guy and is doing good work in studying the city.

had a crazy busy day though

9 - attend first service with mark and mike (m and m)
10:30 - man the first@night booth after the service
10:45 - walk in the pouring rain to a restuarant in yaletown to have brunch with m and m. - had a good chat about faith. i really like mark - he is really honest about where he is at. actually both m and m are quite sincere as they venture into this whole "faith" thing
12:00 - return dvd, head back to man the booth again
1:30 - pick up groceries for flea
2:00 - eat soup and then read
4:30 - pick up new dvd for later tonight, i don't have any money so craig (the owner) tells me to pay when i return it - haha sucker! i'm going to sell it (no i'm not)
5:00 - in my office, read my bible and pray for the service
5:30 - start setting up for the service
6:10 - open the doors and start greeting people
6:30 - show time!

so by the end of the service i am usually completely tired - i just want to get home and curl up in front of the tv with a hot bowl of soup or something.

but now - midnight i start going over everything that went on tonight and i get all excited and then can't sleep

joel posted the whole passage that bono used to quote:

What can I give back to GOD for the blessings he's poured out on me? I'll lift high the cup of salvation--a toast to GOD!
I'll pray in the name of GOD;
I'll complete what I promised GOD I'd do, and I'll do it together with his people.

amen and amen.


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