day 5

so today was my day off but i was still at the church at 8:00 to hand in the offering which was quite large thanks to some heavy hitters. i went in and talked with tom cowan, our sr. pastor about last night. i usually check in with him at least once a week to tell him what's going on at first@night.

then i walked over to the starbucks across form the church - i was there for 90 minutes! a new record - read my bible and 2 chapters from worship evangelism by sally morgenthaler - fantastic book.

then i wandered through hmv and sears. i bought some incense because i thought it would be cool to have incense on sunday nights. within 2 minutes of lighting it i had a blinding headache and had to kill the smoke before i died - so no on the incense.

then the family went to metrotown - this big mall in burnaby. i bought some cool timberland shoes. we also did our grcocery shopping at superstore there.

now i'm going to return "unleashed" - very cool jet li movie - i recommend it.



Ingenuity Arts said…
Hey Santosh,

I was cruising through the north shore website and noticed a footnote on a paper you and Josh? wrote on the church. Would it be possible to get a copy of it? I am hoping to do a story on Brian Buhler for Decision magazine - Billy Graham, Canada - and am doing some background work.

It's been a long while since we shared any common space but I still remember your U2 passion from CBC. They are a great band.

My blog is at: and some of the links feature some of my other work.

Also, I did a church and culture thing a while back that you might be interested in:

I'm trying to get to heaven before they close the door and my slice of heaven right now is a Ph.D. program at the U of C in Communications and Culture. I can't really afford to go, even with a full ride but I'm trying hard - four kids makes schooling tricky.

Great to browse your blog. Send back a note.

Milton Friesen
Santosh said…
hi milton,

that paper was written 2-3 years ago. it may take me sometime to dig it up and to make matters worse - i don't even think i have it on a disk anywhere.

thanks for the update. i have just finished my mdiv at regent and am pastoring in downtown vancouver. my passion for u2 still runs pretty high. i notice that you have listed dylan as one of your favourites - he's also one of mine - fantastic artist.



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