making it up
still carrying this irritating virus around. beautiful day today! bright sunshine. went for a nice 5km. run using my new ipod. went out with felicia for dinner - a real date! the choices for soup were lobster bisque or ministrone. i asked the waited if anyone actually had the miniestrone and he laughed and said 9 out of 10 people get the bisque. on our way out i chatted with the chef - he agreed. then i took off for our church's annual meeting. its basically a business meeting but i gave a 5 minute blurb about first@night which got them all excited. it was easy to be excited because i really am excited about what god is doing in our community. i closed by quoting our theme verse isaiah 43 - about god doing a new thing, not looking back at the old etc. then i said and to quote my favourite theologian , bob dylan - "the old road is rapidly aging. get out of the new one if you can't lend a hand". afterwards dr. james houston (the founder of regent college) asked me if i ...