supermarket justice

so i'm in line at nestor's market buying some dinner rolls. there's a long line-up. the lady in front of me LEAVES the line - she goes to another counter but it closes as soon as she gets there so what does she do? she gets back in line IN FRONT OF ME!!!

i'm too much of a chicken to say or do anything so i stand there fuming. and as i wait i notice the counter that she went to now has a checkout girl - i look at her and she looks at me - i ask her are you open? she smiles yes. so i move over and buy my buns and leave BEFORE the lady who budded back in line.

that my friends is supermarket justice.


Anonymous said…
We had a similar incident. We were leaving the Vancouver airport for Calgary on Sunday afternoon and were standing in a long line at the security gate when I heard some shouting. Some dude was trying to cut the line to the very front and the security rent-a-cop was shouting in a stern, authoritative voice "Sir, you must wait in line like everyone else. Please go to the end of lthe line." Everyone was staring at him in judgement.Actually, they all looked like helplessly polite non-confrontational Canadians. He started shuffling towards the back of the line and then tried to cut into the line again! This guy had no shame! The rent-a-cop shouted again "SIR! GET TO THE BACK OF THE LINE! DO NOT LET HIM IN!"

Law & order at the airport.

Santosh said…
we canadians are too passive! sometimes i wish i were more like an american and loudly announce my feelings on everything.

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