busy turning

friday night - meet w. some emergent type folk at the irish heather pub and discuss church planting efforts in vancouver

- meet up w. some good out of town friends and some locals (warren, carla, amy et al) first at cactus club and then earls which look exactly the same - actually i think that earls, milestones and cactus club are all the same thing

saturday morning - prayer and planning brunch ofr first@night - FANTASTIC FANTASTIC meeting - i was so pumped afterward
noon - pick up flea go to babies r us to buy the boy a car seat and a stroller
afternoon - beer w. warren
evening - small group leaders meeting at church

sunday morning - speak in both services at first

right now (sunday afternoon) trying to keep my eyes open

i have the boy tonight - going to rent a good movie and just chill

crazy week coming up - it could all fall apart if i'm not careful.

well i have been quite encouraged with this blog writing - seems quite a few people read this thing daily and it actually affects their lives - they get upset when i don't update more regularly (carla)

actually i think i'm going to post a big pic of carla next time - whaddya think?

"night to day turn turn turn again
and the only thing is turn to the rain and the wind"


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