first first@night

well we did it! we had the very first service of first@night. i feel it went quite well. we started about 15 minutes late due to some technical stuff - our coffee was a bit late as well.

but when we did get under way it went off without a hitch. spencer was excellent as our worship leader. greg's audio-visual slides were absolutely fantastic. our sr. pastor tom cowan gave a very motivating message.

my message - i was quite happy with how it went. i taped it so i will listen to it tomorrow to see how it went.

there were 33 people and quite a few filled out feedback cards which i can't wait to look through tomorrow.

a few of us went out to earls after to go over the service.

also some of my friends showed up - dwight, mark h., mark l., mike, and amy - it was nice for them to come out to support us.

all in all i was quite satisfied

this is our theme verse:

"Do not remember the former things,
or consider the things of old.
I am about to do a new thing;
now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?
I will make a way in the wilderness
and rivers in the desert."
-Is 43:18-19



Anonymous said…
Good to hear it went well. I put a few good words in for you.
Anonymous said…
Congratulations...I am happy to hear it went well...


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