notes from the office

It's 10:30 in themorning. I'm sitting in my office at the church. I went to Regent to pick up a couple of books. I am sitting here and all of a sudden I lost focus of what i needed to be doing.

So I am taking advantage of this temporary loss of focus to so my first ever blog from the office. It was nice to see Jamie post a comment about when they sold their car.

Warren called me last night on his way to choir! He and Carla have joined the choir in their church. I am so encouraging - the first thing I said was "But, you can't sing!" But I guess their choir is big enough it doesn't matter. Not only was he going to choir but he was going alone because Carla was at work! He is a better man then I am.

Going to finish up my sermon - its actually finished just needs to be polished a bit. Having lunch with Felicia and the boy and then a meeting with a graphic designer at 1:00. Then tonight a new couple from first baptist are coming over for dinner - should be fun - they seem really nice.

Day 7 without a car.


Anonymous said…
What do you mean Warren can't sing - any God fearing, borsht eating, Papsi drinkin, rapple chap eating Mennonite boy must be able to sing. (I am also impressed that Warren is going to Choir)

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